JAMB Admission Letter Printing 2025/2026 & All Years (UTME/DE/NYSC)

JAMB Admission Letter Printing  & All Years (UTME/DE/NYSC)

Are you aware that The Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) portal for printing of admission latter has been open for candidates or those who has been genuinely offered admission by various institutions of their choice for printing.

To get it right with the laid down process on how to print your jamb admission letter, please following the steps in this post.

After a candidates of jamb UTME has been awarded a provisional admission into the university or other degree awarding institutions its important that such a candidate proceed to print their admission latter from jamb portal.
Before going with the steps we shall shall outline here, please answer the following questions:

  • If your school has released her list of admission;Have you find time to checked if your name is on the recently released list?
  • Have you taken time to log on to Jamb admission status, have you checked JAMB admission status portal to confirm if your admission is genuinely approved by jamb?

The JAMB UTME admission letter printing that comprises that of UTME and that of Direct Entry candidates for various institutions for the
academic session understand review is out .Jamb admission letter

Interested UTME candidates and Direct Entry candidates who has confirmed that they have been given admission should feel free and go ahead with the process on checking and printing their admission letter which is usually used for clearance purposes and to meet other educational requirements necessary for admission and NYSC.

This article has been well researched and written to show you well written steps that you should take to make print out of your admission latter right now.

How To Print JAMB Admission Letter

All Nigerian admitted students who are in need of the admission letter for clearance and also to prove that they have been genuinely offered admission from jamb and that everything is in order should follow these steps;

  • The url portal where the admission latter printing is done is @ https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility../ so get set and open the url on ur browser.
  • As expected you should first Login with your ‘Email Address’ and ‘Password’. So that you can gain access to your dashboard with jamb.
  • When you gain access to the dashboard, now you should Click on the “Admission Letter” tab.

Printing of jamb admission letter is not free. Jamb is now a revenue generating body as a such the price of the printing of admission letter has been pegged at N1,000 (One Thousand Naira Only) so you are to make that compulsory non refundable fee using Online payment via Interswitch (Visa, Mastercard, Verve) cards which is the fastest method to get the payment across to Jamb before the printing could be done.

Once payment is sent and confirmation is sent, your admission letter will be open, you have the option of sending it to your personal email and save and print it all together.

This latter is very important right now and even in the future hence you need to keep a copy of it in your email so as to access it any time and anywhere you are as far as you can remember the login details of your email address..

Have you forgotten your jamb registration number? No big issues here as you can get it back if you have your PIN and Serial Number with other details like surname, firstname or middle name, Date of Birth and State of Origin. Once all this has been validated by jamb then you will get your jamb registration number sharp sharp.

Whats the price of jamb admission letter scratch card?

Yes you need to pay for certain services from jamb and one of such services is that of JAMB admission letter printing. Remember that jamb is a revenue generating body and everything has been organised to run on profit.

With just 1000 Naira you should print your jamb admission letter. This is the official money as demanded by jamb.

Jamb says Admission has been revoked.

Are you getting a notification of admission? please Don’t panic if it happens that you get such a notification, all you have to do to get everything back on track is to apply for regularization of the admission letter.

Is JAMB admission list out?

Jamb CAPS is a tool that alerts you when ever you have been offered admission by any institution. Just visit the caps portal and log to your caps dashboard to get your admission status.

Jamb has upgraded how things are done as regards to admission. They don’t release admission list on like before, so don’t expect to see jamb admission list anywhere as everything has been simplify by CAPS

You can now login to JAMB CAPS Portal here…….. .

How many times can you print the JAMB admission letter?

How many times can I print my original JAMB admission letter? We know that there is limit on how many times you can check your jamb results but as regards to printing your jamb admission letter there is no limit to that. Hence you can always print your jamb admission letter as many times you like to do that.

Can I print my JAMB admission letter anytime?

When is the closing date of jamb admission letter printing? There is no closing date the last time we checked, the portal is always open for you to print it at anytime.

If you are finding it hard to print your jamb admission letter, it might be that you are not selecting the year of your exams and all that. Just make sure that your exams year is accurately selected and you will be fine printing your jamb admission letter.

Important Facts You Need to Know About Your JAMB Admission Letter

Fact 1: you have to understand that schools play a huge role in determining who and who gets admitted, jamb only ensure that proper guidelines are followed.

Fact 2: post UTME plays an important role here also, the post UTME is used to select the best candidate for various departments, this post UTME are handled by the school and not jamb.
Before any admission list is uploaded on jamb portal, it must first be approved by the school. Hence its best you check your school admission list and if your name appears there and does not reflect on jamb admission portal all you have to do is to wait for jamb to update their list.

Fact 3: some few selected schools now issue jamb admission letter to candidates from the registrar or admission unit, you can go to the school admission unit to ask for your admission latter but the procedure might not be easy. But all the same if your admission is genuine it should reflects in jamb portal after some time.

Fact 4: the jamb admission latter is am important document and will be demanded from you during your clearance and also after your school final exams.

Its necessary you have it by you anywhere by getting it saved in your email address if possible. By soo doing you can access it anywhere anytime when you are ask to present it.
Also remember that you can print it anywhere as far as there is Internet connection and also printer and system to connect to jamb platform.

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