NSCDC recruitment 2025/2026 Civil Defence|shortlisted cdcfib.career

Civil Defence Recruitment  Application Registration Form – www.nscdc.gov.ng/www.cdfipb.careers?|shortlisted-successful candidates

The federal government has announced another massive recruitment through one of it agencies CDFIPB, applicant who deemed their selves eligible can now freely come forward to pick the form.

CDFIPB will only employ suitably qualified candidates and this recruitment will be a full time job that is currently available at the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) and this comes with attractive monthly home pay with other benefits.

Civil defence recruitment

You might ask what is CDFIPB? Well it’s full meaning is The Civil Defence, Fire, Immigration and Prisons Board and it has the responsibility to organise recruitment into this agencies under the ministry of interior.

Civil Defence General Recruitment requirements :

  • You should be Nigerian by birth and by extension a full citizen.
  • Candidates applying for any position should read and understand the academic requirement for that position, moreover you must have this certificate and present it during your interview.
  • You will be asked for a medical Fitness record that certified that you are fit for the job.
  • Convicted individuals should not apply.
  • Moreover drug addict or members of cult group are not allowed.
  • Final be of good behavior as this is also expected of you, reason is that you will be dealing with the public
  • Only Nigerians who are 18 to 30 years of age are allow to apply.
  • Applicants height must not be less than 1.65m for males and 1.60m for females.
  • Applicants chest measurement must not be less than 0.87 for men.

How do you apply for Civil Defence Recruitment  at www.cdfipb.careers?

  • Submission of application is online and not in any office.
  • Interested Nigerians that are qualified can now log into www.cdfipb.careers,
  • Sign up for an account with a valid email.
  • Access the application form and fill all necessary information accordingly.
  • Lastly you should print a reference form, you should fill some important questions ask on the form.

As at today being 7th February 2025, The Nigerian Civil Defence recruitment form is in process .We are going to inform you immediately it’s out.

Nigerian Civil Defence Recruitment closing Date  :

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps recruitment form usually closes 4 weeks from the very first day it was announced.

Civil Defence Recruitment  Portal

When applying for any job position with Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), your application must be forwarded to the following website:

is civil defence recruiting?:

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) is already concluded and we have specifically asked all interested candidates to study the requirements and decide which position is okay for them before applying.

How much is civil defence salary?

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has an interesting salary packages for it members. From the table we resented above you can see that the least annual annual salary is ₦296,506 while ₦2,272,288 – ₦2,464,560 is the highest.

how much is civil defence form?

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) form is free of charge. The federal government will never ask you to pay money as form fee for any job position.

Nigerian Civil Defence Recruitment:

The National Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC is a Para-military organization of the Federal Republic of Nigeria founded in 1967. It was initially introduced within the then Federal Capital Territory, Lagos during the Nigerian civil war for the sole purpose of protection as well as sensitization of the Nigerian populace.

Formerly known as the Lagos Civil Defence Committee until 2003, the National Security and Civil Defence Corps was commissioned as a voluntary organization to keep the peace of the nation and provide security against threat or disaster to the nation and its citizens.

Today, the Civil Defence Corps are empowered statutorily by the 2003 lay Act No.2 which was later amended by the June 2017 Act 6 of 4. The National Security and Civil Defence Corps is also a member of the International Civil Defence Organization, ICDO.

The NSCDC has its headquarters in Abuja and is headed by the Commandant General of the NSCDC, Abdullahi Gana Muhammadu. He was appointed in 2015 by President Muhammadu Buhari as the second substantive commandant.

The NSCDC also follows an organized command chain. On this note, they have a rank structure that is divided into the Cadre (non-commissioned) personnel and Superintendent Cadre (commissioned) personnel. Also, the NSCDC is empowered to carry guns as other security-oriented civil organizations in Nigeria.

What are the functions of the Nigerian Civil Defence?

The National Security and Civil Defence Corps is statutorily empowered to carry out the following functions which include;

  1. To assist in maintaining national peace and order as well as the protection and rescuing of the Civil population during the period of emergency.
  2. Recommend to the Minister of Interior the registration of private guard companies.
  3. From time to time, inspect the premises of private guard companies, their training facilities and approve the same if it is up to standard.
  4. Supervise and monitor the activities of all private guard companies and keep a register for that purpose.
  5. Periodically organize a workshop and training course for private guard companies and seal up any private guard company which operates without a valid license.
  6. Maintain twenty-four-hour surveillance over infrastructures, sites, and projects for the Federal, State and Local Governments.
  7. Enter and search any premises and seize any material suspected to have been used in vandalization or suspected proceed of vandalization.
  8. Enter and search premises of any suspected illegal dealer in petroleum products or material used by Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Postal Services, Nigeria Telecommunication or for any other public utility or infrastructure.
  9. Monitor the activities of religious bodies and trade associations.
  10. Monitor, investigate, and take every necessary step to forestall any planned Act of terrorism particularly.

What is the strength of the Nigerian Civil Defence?

The strength of the National Security and Civil Defence Corps lies in its staff numbers. For an organization that took-off officially in 2004 with 12,512 personnel, the Civil Defence boasts of over 45,000 regular staff and over 160,000 volunteers across the country today.

What is the primary role of the Nigerian Civil Defence?

The primary role of the National Security and Civil Defence Corps include;

  1. Protection of lives and properties in conjunction with the Nigerian Police.
  2. To protect the nation’s oil pipelines from all forms of vandalism.
  3. To regulate private security guard companies.
  4. To protect critical public infrastructures in the country.
  5. To resolve crises and promote the peace of the nation.
  6. To sensitize the civil populace on security where necessary.

Monthly Salary of the Nigerian Air Force

The National Salary, Incomes, and Wages Commission (NSIW) is the body saddled with the responsibility of determining the salary of the personnel of the National Security and Civil Defence Corps. Also, the salaries of the Civil Defence Corps are paid according to their rank which also has to be in line with the grade and step levels structure.

Usually, University graduates recruited to the NSCDC are placed automatically in Level 8 while HND holders are placed in Level 7. There however are exceptions for lawyers and medical doctors as they are placed in Level 17 and Level 9 respectively. Altogether, NSCDC personnel’s earnings are between…

Level Rank Annual Salary
3-5 Assistant Cadre ₦296,506 – ₦374,259
6 Assistant Inspectorate Cadre ₦357,385 – ₦411,454
7 Inspectorate Cadre ₦483,014 – ₦567,065&
8 Assistant Superintendent Cadre II ₦858,956 – ₦986,991
9 Assistant Superintendent Cadre I ₦939,310 – ₦1,056,416
10 Deputy Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,012,562 – ₦1,143,539
11 Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,094,027 – ₦1,252,038
12 Chief Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,158,172 – ₦1,325,234
13 Assistant Commander ₦1,225,584 – ₦1,405,449
14 Deputy Commander ₦1,619,447 – ₦1,825,589
15 Chief Commander ₦1,759,921 – ₦1,966,281
16 Assistant Commandant General ₦2,272,288 – ₦2,464,560

Without further ado, below is the salary of all Cadre and Superintendent Cadre officers in the National Security and Civil Defence Corps from the highest rank to the lowest rank:

  • Level 3-5 – Assistant Cadre; this is the lowest cadre in the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps.
  • Level 6-12 – Inspectorate Cadre;
  • Level 8 – Assistant Superintendent Cadre I;
  • Level 9 – Assistant Superintendent Cadre II;
  • Level 10 – Deputy Superintendent Cadre;
  • Level 11 – Superintendent Cadre;
  • Level 12 – Chief Superintendent Cadre;
  • Level 13 – Assistant Commander;
  • Level 14 – Deputy Commander;
  • Level 15 – Chief Commander;
  • Level 16 – Assistant Commander General;
  • Level 17 – Deputy Commandant General;
  • Level 18 – Commandant General.
  • Apart from a generous salary, the Civil Defence Corps enjoy a variety of welfare packages which include continuous car loan schemes, care for families of deceased personnel, and even owner-occupier housing schemes.

    What are the branches of the Civil Defence?

    The Civil Defence like other organized body has various departments and units also known as branches for effectiveness and efficiency purposes. These departments and units include;

    1. General Duty Department
    2. Account and Budget Department
    3. Communications Department
    4. Logistics Department
    5. Training and operations department
    6. Administration Department.
    7. Health and Medical Services Department
    8. Servicom Unit
    9. Private Guard Licensing Unit

    The NSCDC also has state branches in all the 36 states of the country and the Federal Capital Territory. Apart from the national headquarters of the NSCDC in Abuja which is headed by the Commandant General, the Civil Defence Corps equally has about 7 Zonal headquarters all of which are headed by Assistant Commandants General.

    52 thoughts on “NSCDC recruitment 2025/2026 Civil Defence|shortlisted cdcfib.career”

    1. Abdullah Muhammad

      Good day, my name is Muhammad Abdullahi a graduate of university of Abuja (BSc. Business Administration) please can i get a notification when the portal is accessible for 2021 recruitment?
      thank you

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