Nigerian Army 84RRI Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 successful |

Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates  85RRI successful | Check PDF List
NA Shortlisted Candidates

Nigerian army shortlist

Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates – The Nigerian Army 83RRI Shortlist is out. Did you apply and waiting to get feedback from the Nigerian army recruitment website? You are to check the shortlisted names below.

The screening exercise is scheduled to commence from….. in all the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory Abuja

We did a quick compilation for you already, which means half of the work is completed as regards the Nigerian Army shortlisted candidates Nigerian army recruitment

If you want to confirm if you scale through the first stage of the Nigerian army recruitment (83RRI). We have a simple steps outline to help you sort out your names based on your states and surname you answers on alphabetic order.

The Nigerian Army 83RRI Shortlisted Candidates has been concluded and Aptitude and screening comes next.

The official portal for checking the shortlist is

If you want to check the list of shortlisted candidates for Nigerian Army screening exercise, you are on the right page.

Note: we just received an important Information asking those who made it to the list to get prepared for the Nigerian Army screening that holds soon

How to Check Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates

Here is how to view the list of the Nigerian Army shortlist.

  • You should Visit the Nigerian Army (NA) 81RRI Portal through this link
  • You need to log into your profile using your email address and password
  • Or if there is a PDF file you need to Click on the PDF file containing names of army special forces shortlisted candidates.
  • It should Download while revealing the names that make up the shortlisted candidates.

Remember that only those whose names are on this list will be granted access to participate in the forthcoming aptitude test and physical screening

Nigerian Army Screening Date

We will likely update the date for the Nigerian Army recruitment Screening and physical verification for all states of the federation (Nation wide).

Candidates invited for the physical screening and test must comply with the directives.

Detailed Description

  • Checking your registered email, phone numbers is of paramount importance and ensure you visit: where names are uploaded for checking.
  • Exam centers has been assigned to All shortlisted candidates. A time schedule has been indicated on the invitation mail for the exam.
  • Candidates will only be posted to zones they have indicated interest to write exam in.
  • Remember that you cannot take the exam anywhere else rather than the center you choose.

All candidates are to come along and bring the following:

  1. Photocopy of their application Photo Card.
  2. Means of Identification * National iD Card, International passport or driver’s license.
  3. Face Masks.

3 copies of a current passport photograph.

Did you find your names on the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates?or you are experiencing one problem or the other checking your name? Please drop a comment below let’s get back to you.

42 thoughts on “Nigerian Army 84RRI Shortlisted Candidates 2025/2026 successful |”


    I have been checking my name since morning but its not connecting,some one should help me please.

  2. Please when will they shortlist ?I’ve been checking but no list to display and screening is tomorrow . someone should help me please

  3. Samuel Emmanuel Timothy

    hi good afternoon and good day all am from akwa ibom state, please I won’t to ask welder Airmy shortlisted is out pls there should inform me please?

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