Can I Use My Mum or Dad’s NIN To Register JAMB?

Can I Use My Mum or Dad’s NIN To Register JAMB?

No, you can’t. The NIN is generated and created for just one individual so it is not possible to use your parents’ NIN to register for JAMB. If you haven’t gotten your NIN, it is advised that you visit the nearest NIMC registration center to register for a NIN.Nin for jamb

There are many easy ways to find a NIMC center in your city. You could look for the NIMC local government office in the city you live or you could visit a telecom’s major branch office, the telecom services include; MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile. Or you could even find them in universities and major government offices in your city.

Table of Contents

Can I Use My Mum’s NIN To Register JAMB?

You can’t. It is not going to work it is just not possible not just because the system has been designed not to let that happen but because it’s also illegal to use another person’s NIN.

See also  NIN JAMB Requirements NIMC gov com

Not only can you not use your mum’s NIN to register for JAMB, but you also can’t use anybody else’s NIN to register for JAMB. you can’t share NIN. But if you try it, you will be using your mum’s data i.e name, DOB, and other personal information which is not yours to register for JAMB.

You wouldn’t want that, would you? That is why it is advised to go to the nearest NIMC office and get registered to avoid instances such as this. Registering for your NIN is quite simple and it is completely free.

Can I Use My Dad NIN To Register JAMB?

No, you can’t use your dad or any of your relatives or friends’ NIN to register for JAMB. You should not do it as you will be using their personal information to register and if your information does not match the data linked with NIN, you will be automatically rejected by the database this is why it is necessary to get your NIN, getting your NIN comes with many benefits.

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As a Nigerian citizen aside from just registering for JAMB you also get to use it to register your sim card, register for your voter’s card and if you are up to 18, you can use it to open a personal bank account.

What Are The Requirements For NIN

To get your NIN you must come with any of the documents below.

Note that we just made a comprehensive list below but that did not mean that the applicant must come with all the documents we just listed below but with any one of them. They include: Birth certificates or Declaration of age

  • School ID card
  • Nigerian passport
  • Attestation letter from a recognized leader in your community
  • Attestation letter from religious traditional leaders
  • Nigerian commission for refugees (NFCR) Refugee certificate
  • Refugee ID card
  • Refugee factsheets
  • Parents/guardians’ NIN Slip must be available
  • Evidence of proof as the Guardian to the minor must be provided

The supporting documents that we have taken time to list above must be brought by you or anyone registering for NIN to the NIMC office.

See also  JAMB slip with choice of institution :explained

Remember please that The requirements above are for minors from 0-15 years old.

For those above 16 here are the requirements;

Your BVN if you have one. Your BVN is your bank verification number you are advised to take it for NIN registration that’s if you have it You can also take your driver’s license if you have it.

  • Birth certificate
  • Declaration of age
  • Attestation letter from a recognized leader in your community
  • Registered/recognized private organization staff ID card
  • Certificate of origin
  • Nigerian international passport

Why Can’t I Use My Parents Or Siblings’ NIN To Register For JAMB

Because a NIN is an individual number. It was not generated to be shared. It is a criminal act to attempt to use another person’s NIN to register your JAMB.

Using your Mom or Dad’s NIN means you are trying to register for JAMB using their details and that is not allowed in jamb.

Why Is The NIN Compulsory For JAMB?

Registration is necessary to combat and reduce exam malpractice and also provide data linked to your NIN to JAMB.

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