JAMB Result 6th & 7th,9th May checker 2025/2026 55019

JAMB Result For 6th and 9th checker  (55019  Friday, Saturday & Monday Day 1 and 2)

When will Jamb results be out for those who wrote on first and second day, Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Monday 9th ? Have you ever ask this same question?
Is Friday or Monday UTME result out?

This article has been written to help those who wrote the exam on Friday, Saturday and Monday quickly check what they got e.g their scores.

We use this medium youwin.org.ng to kindly inform all UTME candidates That sat for the exams on Friday 6th, Saturday and Monday 9th  that their results can now be accessed using any of the approved methods approved by jamb.

Let us make it clear to you all it’s very easy to check your  JAMB result through the jamb result checker.

At the same time JAMB has not stopped sending results score as test message to candidates. But the problem here is that only a few candidate will see their results as SMS.

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Jamb result checkerAlthough you could still send UTMERESULT to 55019 to get the results delivered to you at a cost of 50 naira per check.

send UTMERESULT, via SMS, to 55019 or 66019 using the same number used for registration

So let’s show you how to check your results free of charge from jamb portal.

How to check your jamb results

  1. You are not meant to make use of any other sim except the sim used for jamb registration. If you do you get : ‘This phone number was not used for registration.”
  2. If everything goes well as expected, the system will respond with the following messages : “Dear Mr/Miss X, your result is as follows… (and the details will be provided).
  3. Those with result with issues, don’t panic, here is what you will get “Result Withheld”
  4. Some candidates identity might be under investigation so jamb will ask you to upload some documents. You see message like this “Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you.”
  5. Those who missed the UTME exams then you get “CANDIDATE ABSENT”
  6. A candidate that was ABSENT WITH REGISTRATION NUMBER also CANCELLED will be so informed.
  7. “Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall” did you access the exam hall or system when not told to do so? If yes you get this message.
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Other Methods To Check JAMB Result

Through Email Address: don’t fail to be checking your email address from time to time, jamb do send update to candidate and of this update is your JAMB UTME Result.

Through SMS: you can now check your jamb results through the SMS option. Even though jamb failed to send you the results themselves you can just send the following to them to get you your score. But remember that this is not usually free of charge. You spend like 50 naira per check.

Send “RESULT” to 55019.

Just send that term above which is “RESULT ” in capital latter with out spaces to 55019

JAMB Cut-off Marks

There will be a cut off mark from jamb. This is usually a General cut off mark set for all candidates depending on their 3 category of institutions. But remember that each institution has their own cut off mark for admission.

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Universities — 160

Polytechnics — 120

Colleges of Education — 100

Innovation Enterprise — 100

With the above cut off mark you can obtain a post UTME form. But when it comes to admission processes there are certain cut off mark that candidates should obtain based on their department before they could be considered for admission.

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