When is JAMB reprinting starting for 2025/2026? (Solved)

JAMB Reprinting 

It’s no longer news that an excellent jamb/utme result is one of the criteria that grant you a smooth entry into any university in Nigeria.

However, you can’t get a great result if you don’t register for the exam. Hence, you must complete all your jamb registration process with 100% accuracy.

This is why we advise you to pay maximum attention to every detail on this page as you will need it in your quest for hitch-free and stress-free admission procedures.

In today’s post, we will share with you all the crucial details concerning jamb reprinting, such as the reprinting commencement date, how to reprint jamb slip, how to know your jamb center, and how to reprint your jamb slip without an email.Jamb

We are sure you are ready for his academic adventure, so let’s get into action.

What Is JAMB Reprinting

JAMB reprinting is one of the most crucial steps you must complete during your jamb registration exercise. It is the last jamb registration stage that reveals your jamb center where you will write the forthcoming utme examination.

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You will be given a slip at the end of this registration phase which will serve as an entry passage into the examination hall or center. Apart from revealing your exam center, JAMB reprinting also helps you know the utme exam date and time.

Where can I repair my jamb slip?

You can reprint your jamb slip at any cyber cafe across the country as long as you possess all the required details which we will reveal later in this article.

You can complete the registration process at the comfort of your home if you have a working PC, fast and strong internet connection, a printer, and the necessary information like your registration number, registered phone number, or email address.

When is JAMB reprinting starting for 2023 ?

The jamb reprinting exercise for 2023 will commence on the 28th of April  , which is more like the previous years.

The jamb reprinting date has always been in few days to the exam , so it is no surprise that the version is set .

How do I check my jamb Center and date?

To know your exam date, time and location is quite simple because they are all contained in the printout slip.

All you need to do is complete the mandatory reprinting exercise, and then go through the slip to discover the details above. Meanwhile, below is a step-by-step guide on how to reprint your JAMB slip without taking too much time or consuming much strength.

  • • Visit the official jamb portal at http://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility/ to begin.
  • * Enter your jamb registration number or registered mobile phone number in the provided space.
  • * Click on the ‘Print Examination Slip’ button to proceed.
  • * The next page contains all the exam details, including the date, center, and time.
  • * Connect your PC to the printer, and print out your slip. That’s all!
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Can I reprint my JAMB slip now?

You can’t reprint your JAMB slip now as it’s currently unavailable at all Cyber cafés in Nigeria. Just as stated earlier, you are only eligible to reprint your JAMB slip starting from few days to the exams when the reprinting portal will be accessible and effective.

How to reprint JAMB slip without email

Your JAMB email address isn’t a criterion to decide if you can reprint the Jamb slip or not. As much as you are expected to provide an accessible email address while registering for the exam, you can reprint the slip without the address.

You can reprint your Jamb slip using your registration number or mobile phone number in place of your email address. Let’s just say it’s not necessary you use an email address as you can choose either registration number or phone number.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t render the email address useless as it serves as a platform to receive messages from the exam governing body. They will send your exam score and other useful tips and info to your email address.

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JAMB slip with choice of institution

The JAMB slip also contains the number of institutions you choose while registering for the UTME exam. Print the slip, go through it to you can confirm the list of chosen tertiary institutions.

Talking of the chosen institution, JAMB allows students to select four different choices including a university, a polytechnic, a College of Education (COE), and an innovative enterprise institution (IEI).

Students’ first and second choices are always private or federal Universities or Polytechnics. The third choice includes COE or Polytechnic, while the fourth choice is strictly meant for any of the IEI in the country.

What Is Innovative Enterprise Institute In Nigerian?

These are institutions that provide quality practical education to their students. They help students acquire vocational training, thereby raising them as the next-rated entrepreneurs in their chosen industry.

List Of Innovative Enterprise Institutes In Nigeria

There are currently over 44 accredited innovative enterprise institutes in the country,

including Afrihub ICT Institute (Abuja), Benson Idahosa School Of Basic And Applied Studies (Benin City, Edo State), Buckingham Academy Of Management And Technology (Ogidi, Anambra State) Cherish Enterprise Institute( Batsari, Katsina State), Institute Of Innovation And Technology( Ibadan, Oyo State), etc.

Some of the courses offered by the innovative enterprise institutes include Marine Engineering Technology, Shipping Management, Software Engineering Technology, Telecommunication Technology, Multimedia Technology, Music, Fashion Design, Film and TV Production, etc.

JAMB reprint Deadline

The examination body hasn’t decided on the JAMB reprint deadline date for 2022 yet. We will keep you posted as events unfold. Hence you are advised to keep refreshing this page for real-time updates.


Are there other things you want to know about the Jamb reprinting exercise but not discussed here? Feel free to share it in the comment section, and we will attend to it as soon as possible.

1 thought on “When is JAMB reprinting starting for 2025/2026? (Solved)”

  1. The date for the reprinting was said to be on 28th or 29th day of April but still I can’t access the site. Please help me out.

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