check result 2025/2026 JAMB ExamSlipPrinting/CheckUTMEResults resultĀ resultĀ  and how to check your jamb results is on this page. You only need to follow the steps given here to check your results on JAMB portal @ result

Jamb result now officially out…. Check yours now

JAMB have started uploading and releasing results through SMS , result is available right now for those that has been cleared.

See the guide for checking the just released jamb result result. Below here, is the full guide as well as the link to check your score.

We just received an information directly from the joint admission and Matriculation board JAMB that your result are now ready. Result has been uploaded to Jamb portal.Jamb result checker

Aspirant of various universities, polytechnic and college of education should check their score on JAMB portal right now.
First send UTMERESULT, via SMS, to 55019Ā  in one word




The following are the responses you should expect as you check your jamb results:

  1. This phone number was not used for registration: this means that the phone number you used is not the one you used to register for JAMB.
  2. Dear Mr/Miss X, your result is as followsā€¦: this message are for those whose results are ready.
  3. Result Withheld: this means that the result is withheld. Please you have to calm down if you get this message and check back again.
  4. Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you: it means that your result or identity is being doubted and required you to provide some supporting documents.
  5. CANDIDATE ABSENT: this means a candidate did not sit for the exam. He or she was absent.
  6. A candidate that was ABSENT WITH REGISTRATION NUMBER also CANCELLED will be so informed.
  7. Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall: this means a candidate was not cleared before entering the exam hall. He or she was not unauthorized to go into the exam hall before she or he did.
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See below how to check your 2023 JAMB Result online:

How To Check JAMB Result Via SMS

  • You need 50 naira airtime, ensure you have airtime balance of 50 naira and above. Then send an SMS, UTMERSULT to 55019 or 66019.
  • For this to work, you should do this on the phone number used to register for JAMB.

How To Check JAMB Result Via online

  1. STEP 1. Candidates are to log online @ JAMB result checker portal via the url link we provided here.Jamb result
  2. STEP 2. You don’t need scratch card, you can check your jamb results with your jamb registration number or email address.
  3. JAMB result checking portal login
  4. STEP 3. In the spaces provided just type your email address or jamb registration number then click check my result.Jamb slip
  5. STEP 4. It will take few minutes to bring out or display your result

All you need to check your results is just your internet connected device like phones, laptops or just walk to the business center

Jamb has activated the SMS options you can now log to Jamb portal to check your results

Send UTMERESULT to 55019
You should have your jamb registration number or your email address and password to your jamb profile
The number of candidates that registered for JAMB UTME and Direct entry is 1,761,338. Exams are being written in over 750 CBT across the country

See also  When is JAMB reprinting starting for 2025/2026? (Solved) resultĀ  | how to check jamb result

If you want to check your jamb results with just only registration number then let’s go.

Here is the portal to go

Result comes 48 hours after the exam. Please note this

  1. Visit the JAMB exam result checking portal at
  3. Or
  5. Enter your JAMB Registration Number/Email Address in the required column.
  6. Click on ā€˜Check My Resultsā€™.
  7. The portal will load your result if itā€™s ready.

Check JAMB ResultĀ  Via SMS:

Do you know that you can now check your results with just only your phone number?
This is a feature introduced by jamb for quick checking of results.

All you do is to send RESULT, via SMS, to 55019.

When sending the above message don’t put dash or spaces just send
RESULT to this number 55019. That’s all.

Just wait for your result. Usually it takes few minutes like 5 minutes to get a response.

See also  How to check institution matriculation list on jamb CAPS 2025

Remember that you will charge a minimum of 50 naira.

  • Each candidate are meant to make use of the phone number supplied to Jamb during registration while checking their result via SMS. OR you get a message that says ā€˜This phone number was not used for registration.ā€
  • If everything goes out well or your results is out, you should get a response as follows : ā€œDear Mr/Miss X, your result is as followsā€¦
  • For those with withheld results will get a message that says ā€œResult Withheldā€
  • There are other that usually get the following messages ā€œResult withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you.ā€
  • There are candidates that could not make it to the exam venue and they missed their exam, such candidates will get the following message :ā€œCANDIDATE ABSENTā€ as feedback
  • ā€œInvalid Entrance into the Exam Hallā€ will be sent to a candidate who gained unauthorized access to the examination hall.

We put down the above post to give candidates of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) a clear guide to checking their results.

Reasons for delays of Jamb result

JAMB Registrar, has assured candidates that the UTME portal Is going to be open from 23rd so that candidates can start checking their results.

He said the delay was as a result of his absence from jamb headquarters in Abuja.
He said he has to observe how the exams are being conducted Nationwide.

He said now that he is back to Abuja, there is no need to keep candidates waiting for their results.

42 thoughts on “check result 2025/2026 JAMB ExamSlipPrinting/CheckUTMEResults”

  1. Yusuf Haruna Sani

    Good day sir,
    I did not write my JAMB due to the insufficient Computer in the center and they us to reprint our slips to see the new update or time of our examination, thank you sir.

  2. Good morning sir I’ve tried logging in but no result even sending UTMERESULT to 55019 with the SIM I use registered

  3. My sister did her jamb last week Tuesday and she’s yet to see her result. she’s really down and worried, pls help her out. Her name is Tunde Ruth Tope
    Phone number: 07011955398

  4. My daughter sat for the JAMB exam and she has not seen her result which make us to be worried. Kindly help us out pls
    Her phone number: 07026240492

    1. Rotimi peter , please sir help me l am very worry about my jamb result please sir help me to open my jamb result

  5. Rukayya Abdurahman Nuraini

    I did my jamb last week I am yet to see my result I lost the number that I register the jamb pls help me my name is Rukayya Abdurahman Nuraini

  6. Anruya Yebenre Amos

    Good afternoon, Sir, I used this code 55019 to check my result, and they said that my result is not released yet, and I wrote on day2 May 7

  7. This message is direct from Jamb Office Abuja. We are adding marks to all candidates who score below the cut-off. Call jamb head office 08124926650 now for jamb upgrade and checking/ Pending Results Issues

  8. Fatima Adeyinka Adebayo

    Hello sir, please,when can we start printing 2022 JAMB results and effect change of courses where necessary???

  9. Akindele Favour

    My name is Akindele Favour oluwaFeranmi.I have tried very hard in checking my result and even thinking of my result,but all seems to be abortive,but I know one thing,and that is”the reason why I haven’t Seen my result up till now,there is a good thing that want to happen”

  10. Uthman faruq Alaran

    Please I mistak lost my phone with the SIM card I use to register jamb and am trying to check my result I didn’t get I beg someone should help me out. And how can I update my mobile number

  11. Good evening sir am Daniel aiya…am trying to get my UTME Result but did not work on sms
    This is my Reg Number: 202210566650FA

  12. Ajimati zainab olajumoke

    Hello sir/ ma
    I mistakenly lost my phone due to a particular situation which I don’t understand how I get myself pls ma/ sir am here to check my jamb result pls help me

  13. Yusuf Isah bui

    good morning sir

    my phone number that I register in jamb registration I’m loose my phone ,and now if I sent to 55019 they said is not used for registration and your potel not opened
    how I can Do now sir
    for I check my result

  14. Please, I registered and i saw gmail that wasn’t mine and it was not exiting and I have no password to login to the portal, have tried reset password and its said, code will be sent to my gmail and the gmail is not exiting. I want to change the gmail help me

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