Can JAMB send an OTP to email? 2025/2026

Can JAMB send an OTP to email?  

What is OTP all about? What role does JAMB OTP plays in your quest for admission into university? Can I receive OTP code via email address? What about receiving a JAMB OTP without a sim—

is that possible? These are some frequently asked question about JAMB OTP.

We shall be answering the questions above as part of our mission to help you gain admission without much difficulty by providing valuable information.

We will equally share other important details you should know about the JAMB OTP so you can be sure of a hitch-free JAMB Registration experience.Jamb

Can JAMB send an OTP to email?

No! JAMB doesn’t send an OTP to email address. Instead, they send it to the mobile number you registered with them. This is why it is important you ensure that your JAMB sim or phone number is always available.

Don’t hesitate to change your number with JAMB if you have lost the sim you registered with them. You can read our article on how to change your JAMB phone number. In the same vein, you must also ensure that your sim card is with you or any trusted friend or family whenever you are doing anything related to JAMB and admission.

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How long does it take to get JAMB OTP

Like every OTP generated by digital platforms, JAMB OTP shouldn’t take long before getting it. JAMB shouldn’t take more than ten minutes before sending it to your mobile number, should everything goes on as planned.

However, we can’t overlook the fact that poor internet network can delay the delivery time which means you might wait for 30 minutes before receiving the OTP code.

Can OTP be sent to mail?

JAMB OTP can’t be sent to your email due to some reasons. First, checking your SMS is faster than checking your mails.

In the same vein, the mail might end up in the spam folder which means some students may not see it because it won’t occur to them to check the spam folder.

Therefore, ensure your phone is readily available before requesting for the OTP code.

How can I get my OTP code from JAMB

Tough it is said that there are two ways to get your JAMB OTP including the JAMB efacility and the phone number methods, only the e-facility remains the tested and trusted one.

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Sending OTP to 55019 to get your JAMB OTP via your registered phone number doesn’t guarantee effective result because you will wait longer than expected before you receive the SMS.

Meanwhile, we will discuss how to get the JAMB OTP through the portal method later in the article.

How Can I Resend JAMB OTP When Not Received

Follow the steps discussed below to resend JAMB OTP code:

  • Visit JAMB e-facility portal
  • Log into your account by typing your password and email in their respective space
  • Go to the menu bar and select your examination year
  • Click on the UTME data correction option to proceed
  • Click on the course, name, date of birth, or choice of institutions correction depending on choice
  • Click on the resend OTP. Exercise little patience while the system processes your request.
  • You will receive a message containing your full name and the OTP

How Many times can I Resend JAMB OTP

JAMB permits users or candidates to resend the OTP code on five occasions which is enough.

However you will need to visit a nearby JAMB office if you exceed the five times. They will know what to do to make you eligible to receive the OTP again.

How to receive OTP without A sim card

You can receive an OTP without you’re a sim card if you the website or service providers support email address.

See also  How Do I link My NIN For JAMB?

Unfortunately, JAMB doesn’t support email address which means it’s impossible to receive JAMB OTP without a sim card.

What is OTP all about?

OTP simply means one-time password that is used for login or transaction purpose. Just as the name implies, it is a code you can use once.

OTP is automatically generated by digital systems or services providers and it has a very short lifespan because you must use it within 15 to 30 minutes.

What is JAMB OTP

JAMB OTP is the code automatically generated by JAMB to students who are on the verge of changing the course choices, change of institution, change of names, etc.

It is also generated for students to complete the transaction for JAMB-related issues mentioned above.

The exam-governing body introduced the JAMB OTP in 2020 in order to curb the level of fraud and online theft during utme registration period.

It is also seen as a move taken by the organization to ensure that you are the one interested in altering the initial details you provided.

JAMB OTP prevents intruders from changing your JAMB details without your consent because they will need it before finalizing any changes.

Though JAMB will send the OTP for final stage, intruders won’t see it unless you carelessly give it to them.


It’s been a great time revealing everything you should know about JAMB OTP, and we believe you’ve learned one or two things from today’s post.

Our desire to provide a smooth admission or jamb registration exercise doesn’t stop here as we will be publishing more JAMB-related articles later.

We advise you stay glued to this page as more problems will be discussed subsequently. Until then, we wish you the best in your journey to academic excellence.


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