Reprint JAMB Slip 2025/2026 |reprint de slip efacility/PrintExamination

I want to reprint my JAMB slip, when is jamb reprinting of slip starting? If you have ever ask the above question then slowly read this article so as to start reprinting your JAMB SLIP right now!!!

Reprinting start officially on  from April  .

In a short note jamb slip reprinting enables you to identify the centre JAMB has assigned you to, reprinting of slip must be done at least a week before your exam date.

Reprinting of Jamb Slip for Exam Date, Time and Venue has been concluded. Please scroll down to print your slip now!!!



Steps To Re-Print JAMB  Slip Online

You can check your main to see if JAMB actually sent your slip via your Email address. Because most times Jamb prefer to inform via mail ‘

If it happens so, its best you download it first then transfer it to a system and connect your computer to printer before printing out.

Let’s discuss several ways to quickly print your slip.

Method 1:

That’s all

Method 2:

  • Click on Jamb Reprinting portal @
  • Enter Jamb registration number, Email or SMS
  • Re-Print Jamb slip.

How Print JAMB Exam Slip

The Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) popularly called JAMB (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board) is the national body that shoulders the responsibility of conducting a credible examination for students with the aspiration of gaining admission into any Nigerian tertiary institution.

This body was introduced in 1978 as the Nigerian Entrance Examination Board for institutions at the tertiary level..

At inception, the examination registration usually comes up at the JAMB office. Later, you can get the registration e-pin from Post Office(s), Banks, and JAMB Offices across the country.

Having gotten your e-pin, you can proceed to any internet service provider or cyber cafe to register using online service.

As time goes by, and malpractice became rampant in the educational system, Biometry data, including face and fingerprint, was added to the registration requirements.

This move limited the registration to only cafe or business center with biometric apparatus.

Lately, the registration power was totally withdrawn from business centers and cyber cafe, leaving only CBT Centres as the only accredited registration center for the Examination.

At all the stages above, students always print out an examination slip which will indicate that they qualify to sit for the exams.

See also  Jamb result: utme 2025/2026

Not until around four to five years ago, the JAMB introduces double printing of exam slip.

when is Jamb Reprinting starting

JAMB has announced the latest commencement date for the Reprinting of the  UTME Exam Slip.

This means that  JAMB Reprinting will start officially few days to exam from a week to the exam .

Jamb Re-Print Dates
Jamb  Reprinting would start from  (7 Days to Jamb)

Jamb slip reprinting date  :

JAMB will surely send out a notification to all candidates of this year UTME exam, notifying them of the actual date and time reprinting will commence…

Should in case you don’t get yours by mail or sms don’t worry with our writeup here you are going to reprint your jamb slip.

Jamb slip reprinting date for  has not been fixed however we are going to update this article to the latest update about JAMB UTME SLIP reprinting date.

REASON Behind The Introduction Of Examinations Slip Reprinting

If there is no reason, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board will not change the usual approach to the examination. The reason for this is that the examination is now exposed to so many malpractices.

To curb this barbaric act, JAMB decides to withhold candidate’s examination venue, time and date.

Another reason for ensuring that the JAMB candidates do a reprinting of exam slip is to deliver the best by taking time to fix their candidates in the available CBT centers.

There have been issues where students get to their exam venue and discovered that the venue is filled and could not accommodate all the candidates posted to them.

So during the time of registration and release of the new slip, they would have vividly verified and seen that no center receives now that its capacity.

How To Reprint Your Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination Slip 

After you have successfully registered for your JAMB Exam, you will print a temporal slip but after a while, JAMB will update your profile with a new examination slip that carries your examination venue, time and date.

After this, they (JAMB) will announce the date for its reprinting or forward it to the candidates’ registered email.

How To Carry Out Your Reprinting Without Email Notification

To handle the issue surrounding candidates who do not receive an email, the Examination Board will upload the examination slip on the portal of all candidates so that they can get it printed from there.

First, you will have to verify if the slip is already on your portal with your phone. After which you can proceed to a cyber cafe or business center with internet connection for its reprinting.

The following steps are what will lead to a JAMB exam slip reprinting without problems;

How to print your JAMB SLIP from JAMB portal

  1. Visit the official website of JAMB

  2. Enter your Details

    Typed your email (the one you used for registration) or your Registration number on the column provided for it.

  3. Select “Print Examination Slip” then your slip pop-up on the computer scree

  4. Should in case your system ask you to “allow popup of this site from your browser”, the step below will guide you;

  5. Select opinion, then Click ” allow popup for”. Then your slip will be automatically displayed in a fresh tab after which you can print it.

See also  JAMB slip with choice of institution :explained

  1. Once you receive have confirmed the mail from JAMB, it usually comes as an attached file with PDF format. It is saved with “JAMB registration number”

  2. After locating the file, download it on your computer system or smart device so that you can have offline assess to the file. Connect your device to your printer (if any) and print it directly at the comfort of your home.

  3. Should in case you don’t have a personal printer, then you will have to visit a cybercafe or business center.

    You can as well go to a business center without an internet connection, all you have to do is connect the device where you have your slip with the business center’s computer and send it through a USB cord, xender or any other method. From there you can get your slip printed out.

It is advisable that you get the examination slip duplicated because JAMB will collect one copy at your examination center while the other will be with you as a purpose of reference when need arise.

How to Reprint your jamb slip from your JAMB profile:

  • Get to your profile created on jamb profile here @
  • Here is what to look out for “e-Facility Account/Log in” click on that link.
  • Login with your email address and password.
  • We are most interested in this link “Re-print your JAMB slip” hence look for a link with that caption and click on it.
  • Input your JAMB registration number and print out your slip.
  • If possible make everything colored printout.

JAMB  RePrint Portal

You can always print your JAMB slip few days before the exam starts at jamb portal.

Reprinting of jamb slip is free of charge. Access the portal at your own convenience and know your exam date, time and venue which is very important.

Always have it in mind that your jamb reprinted slip will have all the necessary information as regard your exam. It will really frustrating if all these information are not there for you to access.

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  • how do I check my JAMB exam date and venue
  • Jamb timetable and how to check my exam date 
  • Jamb has not sent my exam centre for 2022/2023

I Have Forgotten My Email Password

Have you forgotten the password you set up when you set up your account? Here is a quick one to get a full recovery of the account by setting up a new password right away.

You have to Simply click on RESET/FORGOT Password when you get to the login page. From this page you should be able to get your password reset with a new one.

Still unable to login to your email! Still Wondering what could be the cause?

It could be that the email or password used for your jamb profile has not be typed in correctly by you. Carefully check if you are missing any thing. If the problem persists, above is a quick wrap to get over this problem.

Jamb Made Mistake In My Email

It might be that you had or the mistake is from JAMB as regards to your email.

Please remember that can as well try to quickly recreate the email address with a exact way it appears on your slip. E.g [email protected] instead of [email protected]

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as appeared on your slip. You can’ quickly create a new email like [email protected].

But there are cases where this email might have been taken and you are left with no option but to contact the user explaining your self to him with prove stating that you need him to send you your JAMB slip soft copy back to your mail so that you can print it out.

Note that there are email service providers that might allow you to create an email and only ban users if they didn’t verify their identity.

Hence you can verify your identity with your phone number by following their simple instructions to recover your email

Does The Color Of The Slip Matter?

We got some jamb candidates who were asking us in our recently created JAMB Whatsapp group if the color of the jamb slip matters. They want to know if they should print the coloured ones or just the black and white.

Here comes the answer; whether you did a colored or black & white jamb slip printing, it doesn’t matter. That’s the fact and truth of the matter.

The most important thing is the clarity of your details. Is your jamb registration number visible? What about the exam venue and date, is it showing/ visible?

But if you have the money you can make a coloured print out, for those who sees it as a waste of money just do the black and white print out.

How Much Does It Cost To Re-Print JAMB Slip?

During previous years time (2020), we printed for just 100 Naira, there are some centres that will charge as high as 200 naira. You are advised to do a photocopy which comes with extra charges.

Its best you printout in the place you registered your exam but that doesn’t mean you cant printout at any places other than the place you registered your jamb.

Hope you know that you can still save the jamb slip on your phone from your jamb profile or from your email and get your phone connected to the printer and get your jamb slip printed?

Problems Candidates Face & Solutions

1. Details Not Found For This Examination: this simply means that your important information are missing. Let’s discuss the solution to this problem below.

Solution: Since you registered with NIN, the best option here is to use your JAMB registration number to check the slip. Ensure that no mistake is made here while inputting your jamb registration number.

2. The Slip Was Not Displayed: a bank space instead of your details to show.

Solution: it might be that your browser is outdated, also update your browser and check the settings so as to ensuring that pop-ups are not blocked. Most importantly you should please switch to desktop mode for compatibility.

3. The Portal is Closed: the place provided where you are to type in your jamb registration number is not visible.

Solution: you just have to wait for a little while. this means that jamb slip reprinting is yet to commence.

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How do I see my Jamb Date? To Know your Jamb 2022/2023 Date and CBT Centre, you must Reprint Jamb Slip. To Reprint your Jamb slip, you need to login to your Jamb Profile and Download the Jamb Slip.

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  • Jamb reprint slip

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