How many days does it take for JAMB change of institution to reflect?

Do you know how to change your choice of institution in jamb? How long does it take for JAMB’s change of institution to reflect? Why can I change my choice of institution before the Post utme exam?

Are you in any way looking for answers to any of the questions above? Then, do well to read every bit of information contained in this post as we’ll be answering all the questions and more.

What Is Choice Of Institution?

Choice of institution refers to the names of institutions you listed as your preferred destination where you intend to obtain your higher degree.

JAMB gives you the privilege to choose four Nigerian institutions, including one university, one Polytechnic, one College of Education, and one Innovative Enterprise Institute.

In case you are wondering what Innovative Enterprise Institutes are all about? They are private institutions created for the main purpose of helping students gain practical knowledge of how to do things.

They are more or less like a skill-acquisition center where students will learn and understand how to do things practically.Jamb

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The exam-governing body opined that students must include one IEI or VEI in their choice since there are many such Institutes across the federation.

They equally make it compulsory for secondary school graduates as part of their desire to boost the federal government’s recent urge to see that there is more technical manpower in every sector of the country’s economy.

Full-time students are expected to spend two years while part-time spend 3 to 4 years before bagging a National Innovation Diploma (NID) certificate.

JAMB will send your details — including name and JAMB score — to the four selected institutions. The institutions will save it in their database in case you want to continue subsequent admission processes such as the post-utme screening or exam.

Why Do You Need to Change Choice of Institution

There are different reasons why you might need to change your choice of institution. An unexpected change of location might force you into changing your choice of institutions to schools closer to your new vicinity.

Your Jamb score and school’s post-utme cut-off mark might make you change your choice of institution. Since your chances of being admitted into a tertiary institution largely depend on the institution’s cut-off mark, you might be forced to change for ones with the lowest demand.

Some schools have a strong respect for Catchment area policy while others don’t lay much emphasis on it. You might need to change your choice of institution to ones that don’t reference catchment areas in their admission policy.

You have no other option but to change your choice of institution and other data if there are errors or mistakes during the initial registration process.

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How To change your choice of institution

Though you can do the change of institution at any Cafe in the country, you should visit Jamb center or Jamb office in your area for this purpose to be on a safe side.

That said, below is a brief way or steps to take while changing your choice of institution:

  • Log into your JAMB profile/ account by providing your registered Jamb email and password in the appropriate column.
  • select the year you wrote the exam
  • Make the changes and follow subsequent instructions to make payment.

Once you successfully finalized the changing of choice of institution, jamb will send your details to the newly selected schools for further admission exercise and process.

How many days does it take for JAMB change of institution to reflect?

JAMB change of institution doesn’t take too long to reflect on your jamb profile and the new school’s database.

The changes should be effective within 24 hours should everything go on as planned.

Ensure to contact the nearest Jamb office in your location to complain if the changes don’t reflect after 72 hours, which is very strange but possible.

Why Is my change of institution not reflecting on the JAMB portal

The reason why your change of institution is not reflecting on your jamb portal could be traced to poor internet service.

Internet could be fluctuating at the time you made the changes which could end up affecting the time it will reflect on your jamb profile.

Another reason for the delay in the reflection of your change of institution could be that there are numerous students whose data needs to be uploaded. Hence, the official in charge may take a while before getting to your turn.

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How many days does it take for change of institution to reflect?

It shouldn’t take more than 24 hours for a change of institution to reflect on your jamb profile if everything go as expected.

The highest it could take is between 2 or 3 days; so don’t hesitate to complain to Jamb officials (at their office or center) if the change isn’t reflecting after four days.

How many times can I change my institution in jamb?

You are only permitted to change your choice of institution on three occasions. It is believed that you might have one or two issues after the first and second changes,

so you are expected to correct them the third time. Meanwhile, you are to pay for the number of times you change your choice of institutions.

How do I know if my JAMB change of institution has reflected?

You can visit the newly-chosen school’s admission database or admission portal to confirm if your name has been uploaded.

Another way to know if your change of institution has reflected includes checking your student CAP on jamb portal. Your profile will display the latest details regarding your choice of institution.

How to know if your change of institution was successful

You will be notified via your registered email address that you have successfully changed your institutions. Therefore, ensure you provide an accessible email address during registration.

How much is change of institution?

The change of institution costs ₦2500 which you must pay with your ATM card or credit card via Remita platform.


Though we believe you can now change your choice of institution without any problem, it is still advisable you visit a tested-and-trusted JAMB office to carry out the exercise. However, follow the steps discussed in the article if you insist on doing it yourself.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to reach out to us if there are other things you would want us to add to this post. We wish you good luck on your quest for admission into higher institutions.


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