JAMB slip with choice of institution :explained

The JAMB registration seems simple and easy, but it can be tricky because a slight error can destroy your chances of being admitted into the tertiary institution.

Do you know that your choice of institution can make or mar your chances of being admitted into university in the next academic year?

The school you select as your first, second, and third choices while registering for JAMB goes a long way in deciding whether you will be admitted or not.

We advise you to pay attention to everything discussed on this page as we are set to unveil the role your choice of institution plays in your admission possibility.Jamb

We will equally show you how to see your choice of institution, and how to change your choice of institutions if you eventually decide to make some alterations to your initial decisions. That being said, let’s dive into action without taking more time.

What is choice of institution?

Choice of institution is the names of tertiary institutions submitted as your preferred academic environment where you intend to pursue your higher degree.

In another word, choice of institutions is defined as the list of schools you provide during jamb registration as the place you desired to further your studies.

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Can Choice of Institutions affect your admission chance?

One might be tempted to say no without thinking twice, but it is a tricky question that requires more time and deep reasoning.

Despite Jamb’s policy that requires students to score at least 150, some highly-rated institutions demand high scores which mean you might end up losing admission if all your choice of institutions falls into this category.

On the contrary, you stand a brighter chance of gaining admission if all your choice of institutions demands low JAMB and post-utme scores.

You can now see why you should take time and do your research before making your choice of institution. Consider all odds before settling for the four institutions that will make up your list.

JAMB slip with choice of institution

JAMB slip remains one of the most important parts of the UTME registration. It is inarguably the first thing you must provide or tender at the examination center as it serves as a ticket to the exam hall.

Apart from serving as a criterion needed to enter into the exam hall, JAMB slip reveals your examination date, examination center, time, and your choice of institutions.

It contains all the details regarding the choice of your situations, and how you rank each of the universities during the registration stages. You can easily refer to the jamb slip should you feel like viewing your jamb choice of institution.

How many choices are there in jamb?

JAMB permits four choices of institutions, including one University, a Polytechnic, College of education, and IEIs.

Though JAMB doesn’t have a specific order, students traditionally believed that a Federal or state university should be the first choice, followed by a Polytechnic at the second spot.

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COE should be at the third spot while IEIs come fourth.

Since IEIs aren’t popular among Nigerian students, we think it’s important to discuss a little about them.

What is IEI?

IEI refers to Innovative Enterprise Institute. They are tertiary institutions offering practical and vocational training to students to help them acquire the practical skills to thrive in their chosen field.

There are currently over 44 accredited and reputable IEIs scattered across the country; they include Buckingham Academy of Management And Technology (Ogidi, Anambra State) Cherish Enterprise Institute (Batsari, Katsina State), Institute Of Innovation And Technology (Ibadan, Oyo State), etc.

So far, a large percentage of Nigerian High School graduates don’t pay much attention to the schools, but that is expected to change anytime soon.

The attention given to technical schools by the Federal Government has improved tremendously; therefore we have high hopes that it will influence IEIS’ growth in the long run.

The professional courses you can study or skills you can acquire at any of the innovative enterprise institutes include Marine Engineering Technology, Shipping Management, Software Engineering Technology, Telecommunication Technology, etc.

How do I print JAMB slip with choice of institutions?

Printing your JAMB slip isn’t a cumbersome task as long as you have a PC, a working internet network, a printer, your registered email address, or your phone number. You can print the JAMB slip with choice of the institution via the JAMB Portal and JAMB CAPS.

Follow the guideline highlighted below to avoid any trouble or problem while printing your jamb Slip from the JAMB portal.

  • Visit JAMB official reprinting portal by clicking here
  • Provide your email address/phone number, and password in their appropriate space.
  • Click on the “Login” button to proceed to the next step.
  • Connect your printer, set the right font, and page layout to print it out. You are good to go.
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How to reprint JAMB slip via JAMB CAPS

  • Visit JAMB CAPS
  • click e-facility option. Provide email address/phone number/Reg Number, and password in their respective space.
  • Click login to continue
  • Scroll down the page until you see “print utme examination slip”

Then, click on “reprint your jamb Slip” The next page will request your jamb registration number which you are expected to provide accurately.

  • Connect your browser to a working printer, set the page layout, and print it out. Meanwhile, you must know that the official portal is currently unavailable at the time of this publication.

How do I check my change of institutions on the JAMB portal?

Though the change you make to your choice of institutions is expected to be effective as soon as possible, you should check your choice of institutions to confirm.

Below is a conclusive step-by-step guide on how to confirm your change of institution on JAMB portal:

  1. Go to Jamb’s e-facility portal @ https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility
  2. Log into your student account by typing your JAMB EMAIL/REG NUMBER and Password in the appropriate space.
  3. Click On the “Check Admission Status” option.
  4. Then click on “Access My CAPS” to continue.
  5. Scroll down the page until you see the ‘MY CHOICES‘ option. Click it and your preferred list of institutions will appear on the screen.


As much as we advise you to avoid mistakes during registration, you shouldn’t panic if they eventually occur because you can easily correct them.

I’m sure you can now change your choice of institution to the one that suits your financial status and one that will enhance your admission opportunity.

Meanwhile, stay glued to this page as we promise to publish more articles on how to rectify errors you made while registering for JAMB/UTME exams .

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