Your NIN has already been registered with GSM number: Solution

Do you have problems obtaining Jamb profile code with your NIN? Is your NIN not working for JAMB? Well, you are not alone in this as we’ve heard numerous complaints from students.

We’ve chosen to discuss the most frequent NIN-related issues and their possible solutions. So, go through this article and apply the solutions related to your situation.Your NIN has already been registered with GSM number: Solution

Why is My NIN not working for JAMB?

Many reasons could be responsible for this problem. They include poor network, glitches from the JAMB system, insufficient airtime, unsupported text template, invalid character, etc.

  • Poor Network

A poor mobile network could prevent your NIN from working for JAMB. Though you would be debited for SMS charges, you won’t receive your JAMB profile code because the message isn’t delivered to the appropriate quarter.


Wait for some minutes to see if JAMB will get back to you. Try again whenever you feel the network is better.

  • Insufficient Airtime

You need at least ₦50 airtime to send the NIN message to JAMB. Therefore, your NIN won’t produce the desired result if you have a lesser amount on your phone.

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Recharge your phone and try again.

  • Unsupported SMS Format

Sending your NIN in an unsupported format could equally prevent your NIN from working with JAMB.

A slight error, like double spacing and invalid characters, could render the message useless. Therefore, you have to be very careful while writing the text.


The text should be sent to 55019 or 66019 in this template: “NIN (Space) 11-digit”

For instance, send: “NIN 23584555862” to 55019 or 66019 for your JAMB profile code. Ensure you crosscheck the text before sending it to avoid errors.

  • Invalid Characters

JAMB does not support characters like , ( : – ; ‘ etc. Your NIN won’t work for JAMB if your SMS contains characters.

Solution: Again, check your text carefully before pressing the send button.

  • NIN Not Found

Your NIN won’t work for JAMB if it’s not on the NIMC database. It is one of the measures adopted by the examination body to prevent students from using fabricated numbers.

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Visit the nearest NIMC office to complain if you are sure the NIN is authentic. They will rectify the issue as soon as possible so you won’t miss the JAMB registration exercise.

  • Contradictory Information

Your NIN won’t work for JAMB if your details on the JAMB and NIMC database are different. Your JAMB name, age, and address must be the same as the information you provided while enrolling for the crucial NIN.


Visit the NIMC office for data correction. However, this might cost a token.

  • Invalid Passport

Though this problem isn’t from your end, it can stop your NIN from working for JAMB. Invalid passport issues often occur if JAMB rejects the image captured by the NIMC due to poor quality. It could be that the image isn’t clear enough for the system to detect your face.


Visit the closest NIMC office and call their attention to the problem. They will correct the problem for free even if it requires re-capturing your image. Alternatively, you can write to [email protected] for corrections.

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Can I send my NIN to 55019 twice?

Yes, JAMB allows students to send NIN to 55019 twice or more as long as they have sufficient airtime. However, there’s no need to send NIN to 55019 on countless occasions if a message will do.

Send the first message and wait patiently for JAMB’s response. Try again if you didn’t receive your profile code.

Can I use someone else NIN to get my profile code?

No, you can’t use other people’s NIN to get your Jamb profile code because it won’t reflect your name and other details.

Jamb introduced the NIN registration method as part of its move to curtail examination malpractice before and during the UTME examination. Hence, NIN is a vital requirement you must possess before beginning the JAMB registration process.

How To Create NIN For JAMB

  • Go to the nearest NIMC office or other NIN registration centre. Alternatively, you can visit Glo, Airtel or MTN offices to get your NIN.
  • Obtain the NIN form and provide all the necessary details.
  • Submit the form to the NIN registration agent on duty.
  • Wait for some hours to collect your NIN slip.


You can be sure all NIN issues won’t stop you from creating your JAMB profile if you apply the solutions mentioned in the post. Meanwhile, feel free to reach us if there are other issues related to NIN we didn’t discuss on this page.

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