ECOWAS recruitment 2024/2025 portal for graduate and non-graduate

ECOWAS recruitment 2024/2025 portal for graduate and non-graduate|get application form here

ECOWAS as an economic regional organisation with influence mainly of West African states wishes to employ qualified personnel from Nigeria and other signatory countries of member state. Thus will help them effectively implement its programmes

In this article we shall show you vacancies that are currently available/ vacant in ECOWAS recruitment portal.


ECOWAS, an acronym for the Economic Community of West Africa States is the regional economic and political group of fifteen West African countries. It was founded on May 28, 1975, following the signing of the Treaty of Lagos. The community which comprises of eight (8) French-speaking countries, five (5) English speaking countries, and two (2) Portuguese speaking countries collectively comprises of over 349 million population and an area of 5,114,162km2.

Ecowas recruitment

The mission of the community is to promote economic integration across the ECOWAS region. Fully enacted by May 28, 1975, a treaty signed in Lagos and the July 24, 1993, treaty revision signed in Cotonou, the community goals are to achieve collectively self-reliance among its member states through the creation of a single large trade block. This they plan to achieve success by building a full economic trading union.

ECOWAS official headquarters is proudly in Abuja Nigeria with the present Chairman of the community being Mohamadou Issoufour. Jean-Claude Kassi Brou is the President of the Commission and Moustapha Cisse Lo. The community operates in three official languages including English, French, and Portuguese.

ECOWAS Recruitment Requirement :

  • You should be from Nigeria or any ECOWAS member states in West Africa.
  • You shouldn’t be above 50 years of age.
  • ECOWAS needs more of woman, so if you are a woman you will be given a greater chance.
  • You need to be a computer literate.
  • Be ready to work in any country base on your work portfolio.
  • Your educational requirements should be inline with the job description.

How to Apply for ECOWAS recruitment :

What are the functions of the ECOWAS?

The Economic Community of West African States’ functions is embedded in the fundamental principles of the community. These principles enshrined in the community doubles as a guide in dealing with member states. On this note, the principles include;

  1. To promote interdependence and equality between member states.
  2. To promote collective solidarity and self-reliance between member states.
  3. To promote between member states’ non-aggression.
  4. To promote harmonization of policies, interstate cooperation, and integration of programs among member states.
  5. To promote the peaceful settlement of disputes, a peaceful environment, and active co-operation among neighboring countries as a prerequisite for economic development.
  6. To maintain regional peace, security, and stability through the strengthening and promotion of neighborliness.
  7. To promote social justice, accountability, economic participation and popular participation in development among member countries.
  8. To recognize, protect, and promote human and people’s rights in full accordance with the African Charter on Human and People’s rights provisions among member states.
  9. To promote the just and equitable distribution of the cost and benefits of economic cooperation and integration among member states.
  10. To consolidate and promote a democratic system of government in every member state as stated in the Declaration of Political Principles adopted in Abuja on July 6, 1991.
  11. To promote the observance and recognition of the rules and regulation of the community among member states.
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What is the Strength of the ECOWAS?

ECOWAS institutions draws strength from its main body-The Authority of Heads of States and Government. The others are Council of Ministers, the Commission, the Community Parliament, the Community Court of Justice, Specialised Technical Committees as well as the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID).

What is the Primary Role of the ECOWAS?

The primary role of the Economic Community of West African States is to promote a collective political and economic self-reliance. The ECOWAS also serves as the West African region peacekeeping force. It is also saddled with the responsibility of relevant policies implementation which is done through two major institutions namely;

  1. ECOWAS Bank for Investment Development (EBID).
  2. ECOWAS Commission.

Monthly Salary of the ECOWAS?

Employees of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS averagely earn between…and…monthly. They also enjoy a tax free. We will update this page soon.

What are the Branches of the ECOWAS?

ECOWAS Structure and Decision-making procedures

ECOWAS consists of the Authority of Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers, the Community Tribunal, Community Court of Justice, the Executive Secretariat the ECOWAS Parliament, and the Specialised Commissions.

Conference of Heads of State and Government

The Authority of Heads of State and Government of Member States is the supreme institution of the Community and is composed of Heads of State and/or Government of Member States. The Authority is responsible for the general direction and control of the Community and take all measures to ensure its progressive development and the realization of its objectives.

The Authority determines the general policy and major guidelines of the Community and gives directives. It harmonizes and co-ordinates the economic, scientific, technical, cultural and social policies of Member States; oversees the functioning of Community institutions and follow-up implementation of Community objectives; prepares and adopts its Rules of Procedure; appoints the Executive Secretary in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty;

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appoints on the recommendation of Council, the External Auditors; delegates to the Council, where necessary, the authority to take such decisions as stipulated in the Treaty; refers where it deems necessary any matter to the Community Court of Justice when it confirms, that a Member State or institution of the Community has failed to honour any of its obligations or an institution of the Community has acted beyond the limits of its authority or has abused the powers conferred on it by the provisions of the Treaty, by a decision of the Authority or a regulation of the Council; requests the Community Court of Justice as, and when necessary, to give advisory opinion on any legal questions; and exercises any other powers conferred on it under the Treaty.

The Authority meets at least once a year in ordinary session. An extraordinary session may be convened by the Chairman of the Authority or at the request of a Member State provided that such a request is supported by a simple majority of the Member States. The office of the Chairman is held every year by a Member State elected by the Authority.

Council of Ministers

The Council comprises the Minister in charge of ECOWAS Affairs and any other Minister of each Member State. Council is responsible for the functioning and development of the Community. To this end, unless otherwise provided in the Treaty or a Protocol, Council makes recommendations to the Authority on any action aimed at attaining the objectives of the Community, and appoints all statutory appointees other than the Executive Secretary. By the powers delegated to it by the Authority, the Council issues directives on matters concerning coordination and harmonization of economic integration policies.

It makes recommendations to the Authority on the appointment of the External Auditors, prepares and adopt its rules of procedure, and carries out all other functions assigned to it. under this Treaty and exercise all powers delegated to if by the Authority.

The Council meets at least twice a year in ordinary session. One of such sessions has immediately preceded by the ordinary session of the Authority. An extraordinary session may be convened by the Chairman of Council or at the request of a Member State provided that such request is supported by a simple majority of the Member States. The office of Chairman of Council is held by the Minister responsible for ECOWAS Affairs of the Member State elected as Chairman of the Authority.

Community Tribunal

The treaty of provides for a Community Tribunal, whose composition and competence are determined by the Conference of Heads of State and Government. The Tribunal interprets the provisions of the treaty and settles disputes between member states that are referred to it.

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Community Court of Justice

In October 1999, ECOWAS decided to establish a Court of Justice following a two-day meeting of Justice Ministers in Abuja. The court will address complaints from member states and institutions of ECOWAS, as well as issues relating to defaulting nations. The court has a president, chief registrar and seven judges and is a permanent institution. Draft rules of procedure for the Court are being finalised.

Executive Secretariat

The Executive Secretary is elected for a four-year term, which may be renewed once only. ECOWAS is undergoing a process of reform, which has seen the post of financial controller being scrapped, while two positions of deputy executive secretaries have been created for economic co-operation and policy harmonisation respectively. The restructuring of the Executive Secretariat was approved at the summit in December 1999.

ECOWAS Parliament

The ECOWAS Parliament plays an essentially consultative role: it provides advisory opinion on issues covering a wide range of areas that are of crucial importance for the integration process. These include respect for human rights, the interconnection of communication and telecommunication links, health, education, and revisions of basic community texts.

A Decision dated 12 January 2006 defines the process by which regional executives can make referrals to the Parliament. It also specifies the timeframes within which recommendations and requests for advisory opinion are to be formulated and transmitted to the ECOWAS Parliament.

The ECOWAS Parliament has 115 seats, which are distributed among the 15 ECOWAS Member States on the basis of their population. Nigeria, which has by far the largest population, has 35 seats; Togo, Liberia, Cape Verde, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Republic of Benin, the GambiaSierra Leone have 5 Parliamentarians each; Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal have 6 Parliamentarians each; Cote d’Ivoire is entitled to 7 representatives; Ghana has 8.

The Parliament’s political organs are the plenary, the Bureau, the Conference of Bureaux and the parliamentary standing committees. A General Secretariat, under the authority of the Speaker of Parliament, is responsible for the administration of Parliament.

Specialised Commissions

The Specialised Commissions are: Food and Agriculture; Industry, Science and Technology and Energy; Environment and Natural Resources; Transport, Communications and Tourism; Trade, Customs, Taxation, Statistics, Money and Payments; Political, Judicial and Legal Affairs, Regional Security and Immigration; Human Resources, Information, Social and Cultural Affairs; Administration and Finance Commission.The Authority may, whenever it deems appropriate, restructure the existing Commissions or establish new Commissions. Each commission comprises representatives of each Member State. Each Commission may, as it deems necessary, set up subsidiary commissions to assist it in carrying out its work. It determines the composition of any such subsidiary commission.

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