List of Universities That Have Released 2024 Cut-Off Marks|

The issue of cut off marks has been bothering candidates in recent times. Most candidates who were denied admission at one point in time were close to getting admitted, but due to their inability to meet the required cut off mark, they couldn’t secure the admission.

Moreover, most candidates should know and understand that cut off marks differs in the sense that there are three types of cut off marks namely :

JAMB cut off mark, school cut off mark and the school departmental cut off marks.

No candidate should be confused about the three types of cut off marks as they will discussed in this article.

As an aspirant, you are expected to stay updated with latest updates as the cut off marks varies as the year goes by; Moreover ;Cut off marks can be predicted so as to prepare earlier.Jamb

Since the UTME examination were concluded, several questions have been tabled concerning the cut off marks for various universities which led to the starting of accurate and In-accurate researches.

These questions led to the creation of this article to address such issues. Sit back and educate yourself as we enlighten you on various cut off marks and their details alongside universities who have released theirs.

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What are cut off marks?

Cut off marks are fixed aggregate that are being set by universities meant for candidates to surpass, in order to secure admission into the institution.

In other words, the cut off mark is a certain percentage that every candidate who applied for the institution is expected to meet or surpass, so as to get admitted into the university.

However, asides the cut off marks, there are 3 types of known cut off marks namely :JAMB cut off mark, School cut off marks and departmental cut off marks.

The JAMB cut off mark is a certain percentage that the board of directors at JAMB set, for candidates to surpass in order to be able to be eligible for any form of admission.

The current Cut off mark for jamb is 180 and any student who meets 180 or surpass it is entitled to apply for any university.

On the other hand, the school cut off mark is a particular aggregate that is set for students who applied for a particular institution and is expected to meet the cut off mark in other to be able to sit for the examination.

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If a student surpasses the JAMB cut off mark and did the school cut off mark, He /she would be granted the privilege to sit for the post UTME exam.

But if the student didn’t make the school cut off mark but surpass the JAMB cut off mark, they won’t be eligible to sit for the examination; However, they can apply for another institution that suits their aggregate.

The departmental cut off mark deals with the department the candidate applies for. Even after surpassing the JAMB and Post UTME cut off mark and the candidate didn’t meet the departmental cut off mark, They might not be admitted into the department.

This issue has made many candidate missed admission. If you must be admitted, you must meet the required cut off marks.

List of Universities that Has Released Their Cut off marks

Following the conclusion of the UTME examinations, some universities have decided to release their cut off marks for  admission procession.

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It is known to everyone that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board gave tertiary institutions the privilege to set their preferred cut off marks.

Below are the available cut off marks :

  • *Covenant University – 190
  • *Pan Atlantic University – 210
  • *University of Sokoto – 140
  • *Bayero University Kano-180
  • *University of Ilorin – 180
  • *University of Lagos – 200
  • *University of Lagos – 200
  • *University of Maiduguri – 150
  • *Usman Dan Fodio University – 140
  • *Lagos State University – 190

The listed cut off marks are verified cut off marks from the university and Bayero University, Kano might change depending on the specific courses. Examples are listed below :

-Family of facility – 220

-Faculty of Allied Health Sciences – 200

-Faculty of Dentistry – 200

-Faculty of Clinical Sciences – 250

-Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences – 220


The article should have enlightened you a lot about cut off marks and universities that have released theirs.

An advice to candidates seeking admission is to try to surpass all cut off marks in other to secure admission and also stay updated.

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