Nigeria Customs Recruitment 2025/2026 portal login

Application form for the Nigerian Customs service recruitment has been the talk of the town. As the NCS recruitment is now set, its very important we brief you on the necessary guidelines that will increase your chances of working with the Customs.

 Nigerian customs recruitment shortlisted candidate list is here ; check the list of successful candidates here

NCS Application Registration Job category/ Cadre :

There are about 3 (three) Cadre that you can apply for. Please note that about 3200 eligible Nigerians who are successful and have been shortlisted will have to fill this slot at the end of the recruitment.

  • Superintendent Cadre
  • Inspectorate Cadre
  • Assistant Cadre

Since you have known the Cadre that are open for immediate employment, let’s now give you detailed and practical guide to apply.

Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) Recruitment General Requirement 

  • As a decent of Nigeria you can apply.
  • The normal height for male is 1.7 meters while for female and 1.64 meters female.
  • You should be medically fit.
  • Another criteria is that you should be mentally stable.
  • You shouldn’t be under any form of debt.
  • Must be willing to learn and respect your superior officers.
  • Get a certificate of state of origin signed by the Chairman/Secretary of their Local Governments.

Superintendent Cadre: Applicant here should be able to present an NYSC discharge certificate. If you are under any health related field like Medical And Health , you should be registered with a recognised body.

Please remember that your first degree certificate is compulsory here (HND and Bsc).

Inspectorate Cadre: the acceptable age here is 18 to 24 years of age. This position is open for those with ND and NCE certificate.

Assistant Cadre: this is usually the least rank in the Nigerian customs service. You just need your O Level Result, first school leaving certificate and the rest of them to apply.

Minimum Height (Male) 1.7 metres
Minimum Height (Female) 1.64 metres
Chest Measurement (Male) 0.87 metres
Age 18-30
Nationality Nigeria

Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment : All You Need To Know

Nigeria Customs Service

You must have heard of the Nigeria Customs Service, but you don’t know its responsibilities and importance to the growth of the country’s economy?

Either you know the role it plays in enhancing the growth of the country’s economy or not, this is a must read piece of write-up as we shall be unveiling every information you need to know about the agency. We’ve had enough for the introduction, lets get down to business.

Nigeria Custom Service And Its Functions

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) is a government-owned agency that ensures that there is sanity in the country’s customs and excise revenue system.

In other words, the Nigeria Customs Service is a government agency — under the supervision of the country’s ministry of finance — whose major aim is to ensure that customs and excise revenue are regularly collected and disposed to the appropriate quarter.

The agency was inaugurated in 1891 during the colonial regime in order to ensure that all manufacturing companies, firms and individual pay an accurate amount of tax into government purse.

Apart from collecting tax on goods produced in the country, the agency also carries out some important function in order to sanitize the country’s industrial sector. This leads us to the function of the Customs Service.

How to Apply For Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Recruitment 

Signup for an account and validate your email.

  • Click on the verification link to do this

  • Note: open your email to do this
    • Log back and choose the Cadre that you are interested in.
    • Still find time to carefully read the job description and special requirements.
    • Click on ‘APPLY FOR THIS JOB’ and fill your bio information,such as name, state of origin, marital status etc.
  • Upload your passport photograph, this should be 200KB (600*600) and saved in JPG, JPEG, PNG.
  • The next step will require you to fill the Physical ability page, here just type in your NYSC certificate number and other information as asked.
  • Move to the academic page and input your information like exam number etc.
  • Move to the employment history page and also fill that side as shown in the image below
  • Now uploaded all your documents.
  • Now review all information you entered carefully.
  • As at today being 19th January 2025, The Nigerian customs service recruitment form is not out.We are going to inform you immediately it’s out.

    Top Five Duties of The Nigeria Customs Service

    1. It Collect Excise Revenue
    This is arguably the first and primary duty of the agency. They are established mainly to collect tax from companies or individuals who are involved in production of goods and commodities in the country.

    2. It Carries Out Anti-smuggling Campaign
    Smuggling of goods from other countries into Nigeria was rampant in the country in time past, and that was one of the reasons why the Customs Service was established.

    The agency took it upon itself to carry out regular anti-smuggling exercise across the country and its borders to ensure that illegal goods are not smuggled into Nigeria.

    3. It Ensures Security Of Lives and Properties
    Though there are many agencies whose major function is to provide security, the Nigeria Customs Service also ensure that goods, lives, and properties are maximally secured.

    Other functions of the Nigeria Customs Service include the following:

    • It engages in making research
    • It helps in the collation of data which will help the federal government while making its annual budget.
    • The agency monitors the Utilization of Foreign Exchange
    • It aids government’s plans to eradicate substandard goods.

    What’s The Strength Of The Nigeria Immigration Services

    Just like many paramilitary agencies in Nigeria, there is a section in the country’s constitution which supports the agency to carry out its duties.

    In one of the agency’s write-ups via its official website, NCS’s functions are legally backed up by The Customs & Excise Management Act (CEMA) Cap 45 of the Law of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

    Click here to see other sections of the Nigeria constitution that support the agency’s power to carry out custom and excise duties across the country.

    This is to tell you that the Nigeria Custom service is the sole representative of the Federal Government when it comes to matters related to custom and excise revenue.

    They have every right to investigate, arrest and detain anyone who fails to obey the rule and regulations of the country as regard to payment of tax and other excise fees.

    Nigeria Immigration Service Salary Structure

    The agency salary structure is based on ranks and positions. The higher your rank, the higher your wages and salary.

    Below are the various ranks in the agency and the salary each officers are entitled to receive at the end of every year:

    Customs Assistant = ₦

    Assistant Inspector of Customs = ₦

    Inspector of Customs = ₦

    Assistant Superintendent of Custom II = ₦

    Assistant Superintendent of Customs I =

    Deputy Superintendent Customs (DSC) Officer =

    Chief Superintendent Customs (CSC) Officer =

    Assistant Comptrollers =

    Deputy Comptrollers =

    Comptrollers =

    Assistant Comptroller-General

    Deputy Comptroller-General

    Comptroller General =

    As an officer of the Nigeria custom service, you’re entitled to enjoy some incentives such as Transport, Meal subsidy, House maintenance allowance, Uniform maintenance allowance, Detective Hardiness allowance, Plain-Cloth allowance, and Furniture allowance among others.

    Branches Of The Nigeria Immigration Services

    The agency currently has four zonal headquarters across the country, and there could be plans to add more to the existing ones in the nearest future.

    Every zonal headquarter is supervised or controlled by the Assistant Comptroller-General, who are also referred to as zonal coordinator.

    It is also important to know that each zonal headquarters have some commands or branches under their watch.

    Below is the list of the four zones and the commands that falls under their guide.

    1. Name: ZONE A

    Location: Harvey Road, Yaba, Lagos

    Telephone: 01-4705576, 5821496



    2. Name: ZONE B

    Location: Kaduna (Kaduna State)

    Telephone: 062-249423



    3. Name: ZONE C

    Location: Port/Harcourt (Rivers State)

    Telephone: 084-2316691



    4. Name: ZONE D

    Location: Bauchi (Bauchi State)





    95 thoughts on “Nigeria Customs Recruitment 2025/2026 portal login”

    1. I’d like to be informed once the form is out. Here is my number: 08038035484 or 07064638240.
      My email:

    2. Inah Kenneth ebi

      I have been trying over three times now, l want to serve my father land. please inform me.thanks

    3. Oga warepamowei

      pls am afraid is it bcos of covid 19 that ncs hav no respond 4 d exam we hav writen. No informatn any more why


      Hi, I’ll really love to serve my country with this Uniform.
      Please notify me when the form for 2021/2022 is out.

    5. Amokeoja Noorain

      I received an invitation mail and SMS from NCS today for final screening and training, Schedule to hold on Monday 26th July at Ncs training school, ikeja Lagos state.
      I was ask to pay an Acceptance fees of 3500,dunno how valid it is.

    6. Hello I will Really be Glad/Love to Serve my Country in this Line /Uniform

      Please and Please Notify Me when the form is out. Do 2021/2022

    7. really love to serve my country with this uniform
      please notify me when the form for 2021/2022 is out.

    8. A very wonderful write up, perfectly structured and organize
      May God continue to bless you
      Thanks for the information
      Pls I will like to know when the form is out

    9. benard edafe

      Please i need information as to when Nigeria custom is out for this year. This is my number please if you can’t call me please message me thanks

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