NIYEAP portal 2024 : Nigerian youth empowerment action plan

NIYEAP portal 2024 : Nigerian youth empowerment action plan

NIYEAP: stands for Nigerian youth employment Action plan

A scheme is here which promises job creation on a massive scale, its powered by the federal government of Nigeria, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development: the federal government has recently launches youth employment Action plan.

You might ask what is the Nigerian youth employment Action plan all about? Well it is a scheme that promises to give Nigerians an excellent life and improve their standard of living through it yearly mass employment scheme.

Nigerian youth empowerment action plan

The government of the federal republic of Nigeria has recognised unemployment as a major threat to peace and stability in the country and has rolled out schemes that will help turn the tide and address the urgly situation.

There are numerous schemes like the Npower, NYIF, etc that millions of Nigeria has benefitted from and the youth employment Action plan is just yet another scheme with its own set of unique features and objectives

The objective remains to deal with youth unemployment problem in Nigeria on a massive scale which has become serious concern to all.

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Nigerian youth empowerment action plan 2024/2025

The employment scheme we are talking about is called the Nigerian youth empowerment action plan popular known as the NIYEAP and its expected to run concurrently between the year 2021 to the year 2024 when it will end.

The honourable minster of youth and sports development Nigeria made us to understand that this scheme is first of it kind.

Eradicating poverty through employment and job creation remains an objective of this administration and they are committed to it by making sure that an enabling environment that is business friendly is achieved making it possible for over 3.7 million job to be created within the years stated above.

Objectives of NIYEAP

The Nigerian youth employment Action plan centers on 4 objectives as made known to us by the ministry of youth and sport development and this objectives is known as the renowned 4Es that has to do with

  1. entrepreneurship development,
  2. employability,
  3. equality and rights
  4. and employment creation.
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Through these renowned 4Es, crucial actions will be taken that will support job creation in critical section of the economy

Not forgetting other aspects that are implementation, financing, monitoring and evaluation frameworks.

The youth employment Action plan will also emphasis more job creation in these sector of the economy :

  1. tourism,
  2. digital economy,
  3. and renewable energy sector,
  4. green economy,
  5. manufacturing sector,
  6. construction and services.

This empowerment plan at the end of the day will seek to assemble partners and key players across sectors which will ensure that a robust partnership base between all parties will be achieved.

The honourable Minister reiterated that focus will be centered solely on job creation for the youth in different sectors of the economy.

Lastly, the honorable minster of youth and sports development in Nigeria disclosed that workshop will be held at various level, including the grassroots where key issues will discuss based on NIYEAP

This means that stakeholders that would be drawn from the whole 36 states and the FCT will be brought into the plan implementation.

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Keynote :

  • The Nigerian youth employment Action plan is a programme of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development.
  • The Nigerian youth employment Action plan is to tackle unemployment throughout the 36 state of Nigeria.
  • The Nigerian youth employment Action plan is basically for youth and as such the age limit is within 18 to 35 years of age.
  • The Nigerian youth employment Action plan will run for about 4 years from 2021 to 2024.
  • The youth employment Action plan will be an instrument of job creation and its expected to create 3.7 million job per year.

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the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) recently released some data about unemployment in the country and the figures released has been discouraging.

About 33.3% youth are said to be unemployed. Able bodied are now idled doings nothing wasting their productive years.

This has led major stakeholders in the country to ask the president to declare a state of emergency on unemployment and create a road map that will arrest the situation on ground.


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