MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira

MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira

Data to our phones is just like an oxygen we breath, without oxygen we cannot survive hence without data our phones will be restricted to only SMS and phone calls which will make life boring right?

So today we will take a little of your time by sharing you something amazing about the new MTN data plan that can get you 200MB for N50, this plan works well on all device be it android, ipad, iPhone, modem etc If successfully activated.

MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira

Have you heard about the MTN 200MB For 50 Naira? Have you heard about MTN 1GB For 250? well MTN which is one of the largest network provider has just silently launched a new data plan that suits and fit into your needs and it’s really pocket friendly.

The plan only cost just 50 Naira and at the same time it promises to give active subscribers 200MB to browse and connect with friends and family.

Not done yet, MTN also recognised our everyday need of data most especially for gamers and heavy data users and has gone step further to introduce a more cheaper plan tailored to meet your needs, this time around subscribers should be getting a whopping 1GB data for as low as 250 Naira.

Now the main question now comes, how do i activate these plan of MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira? Well we have taken time to discuss the best possible method to subscribe and get the plan activated below:

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MTN 200MB For N50 And 1GB For N250

This MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira is coming right now when Glo is rising up to the challenge and has recently introduced to the market a more cheaper and competitive data price of about 1.2GB data for 500 Naira which last for 14 days.

Although that of Glo is for all SIM , that of MTN data bundle plan which promises to give 200MB data plan doesn’t work on all SIM rather it works on some selected SIM. Simply put, it is SIM SELECTIVE, meaning that not every subscribers will be considered eligible.

This plan is an exclusive offer to some selected MTN users. You just have to try your luck and see if you qualify for this offer or not.

You can get 200MB for 50 Naira and 1GB for 250 Naira. Data is usable on any device and anytime of the day. Validity for this plan is 7 Days.

How To Activate MTN 200MB For N50

Like I earlier, only those users and subscribers that are eligible for this, based on the criteria set by MTN will be able to get this data .

To subscribe just recharge your SIM with just 50 Naira or have a minimum balance up to the amount of the data price and dial *131*25#.

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Remembered that if you are eligible that is the only time you can activate this plan, if not eligible you have to wait until you are eligible.

Those who are not eligible, they are going to get this response when they try to subscribe. So anytime you get the below response be rest assured that you aren’t qualified or eligible yet.


Remember that after subscription, data balance can always be checked using this code *131*4#. Data remains valid for a week, which is 7 Days.

How To Activate MTN 1GB For N250

There is a logic we used here and its pretty straightforward and simple as ABC. since the plan allows subscribers who are eligible to subscribe to sub on multiple subscriptions.

While shouldn’t you try and accumulate your data? In simple terms just get your SIM recharge with 250 naira and subscribe up to 5 times, no doubt you should be given like 1GB.

What we have said do far on MTN 200MB For 50 Naira and 1GB For 250 Naira:

  • Only those who are eligible for this plan will get the opportunity to subscribe.
  • To continue with the activation, you have to recharge with at least 50 naira only.
  • This data will work well on any platform. This will power your apps, social apps, YouTube, Facebook etc.
  • Data has a validity period of 7 days only.
  • The subscription code is *131*25# which allows you to accumulate your data.
  • Data can be accumulated. Multiple subscriptions is allowed.
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MTN has successfully sent out messages to most subscribers that they have considered eligible for this plan, this message is from MTN DATA4ME and

if you received this message it means that you are eligible for the plan but at times this message could be sent out but not all will receive it, its no bad idea if you just try out the code to see the response you get from MTN.

However like we said you can still activate the plan by trying the code. It could be that you received the message but you didn’t go through it or noticed the content before deleting it

So even if you missed the message or not personally informed about this amazing offer by our able MTN via the official channel. For As long as your SIM is considered eligible by MTN don’t worry, just dial *131*25# to get started.

Remember that you can subscribe on multiple times which gives you the chance to get as much data as you want

Thanks my lovely and esteemed friends. Just use the comment box below to Let me know if you were eligible or not. Please we will like you to help others like your friends sharing this post.

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