How to Install NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client for Windows

In recent times there has been numerous complaints from prospective corp members from inability to successfully captured their fingerprint via the biometrics fingerprint scanner.
Well its now clear that the problem is from the NYSC portal hence they have decided to solve the problem by making available the bio-metrics desktop client ,Nysc Biometric

this is very similar to that of JAMB and it works like charm by making it possible for NYSC prospective corp members to successfully capture their fingerprints, capture not from the traditional use of browsers that comes with all sort of problem but from the bio-metrics desktop client

Prior this time, capturing of fingerprint of prospective corp members was done through the web browser after they must have signed up, fill all relevant bio data to all sort of stuff.

The web browser was heavily dependent up on and it comes with it limitations because it couldn’t be modified to suit certain needs.

Due to the fact that the browser couldn’t be customised to suit specific needs, it posed a great challenge to a smooth and successful registration process for prospective corp members most especially when it comes to the stage where prospective corp members are asked to capture their finger print.

JAMB was the first to have adopted an independent web clients when this issue became a problem to the entire registration process. With the offline options for biometrics there was an efficient and effective process that is 10 times faster than ever before.

Not only jamb, WAEC and NABTEB have all seen the advantages that comes with making use of the Biometrics Desktop Client while doing away with the web client. One interesting feature about this new method is that it allows to capture data even when its offline.

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How to Install NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client for Windows

To successfully have the
NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client installed on your Windows, laptops there is a simply step to follow below;

  • 1. Here is the link to Goto
  • 2. Now you should Download and Install the Pre-requisites biometrics driver installer, the one that is suitable for your device operating system
  • Check if 32 bit Installation or 64 bit Installation is best for your system.

  • 3. Now you can now Click on install to enable your system download the setup.exe file., once its completely downloaded on your system, now Run the downloaded file on your PC and follow the simple installation guide to get it set up.
  • 4. You have to Reboot Your PC to complete the process.

Are you seeing an icon right there on your desktop? If yes that means you have successfully installed it…. Congratulations.
Not done yet, please Double click on this icon on your screen to have it launch on your system so that you can start making use of it.

Fixing Common Errors during Installation

We understand that prospective Corp members are likely to experience errors during the installation process, let’s discuss some of the well known errors and possible fix to them;

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You are not connected to the Internet: it should be noted that this software necessarily need an Internet connection to function properly, it is important that you have a stable and strong connection, also you should not be on any proxy software because this might interrupt the communication between your system and NYSC server

Another problem that arises is when users are confused as to which version they should install on their system. Note that if you install the wrong version you risk running into problems (Download the 32 or 64-bit version as required by your computer).

More also ensure that there is no issues of incompatibility between your system and the software. They should be compatible. Like for example your system software should be upgraded to Windows 7 and above.

How to Use the NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client for Windows

Now that you have successfully installed the NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client for Windows its now time to start your registration proper;

  1. I believe by now you already have an account created for your self on the NYSC portal. Important details you ought to pen down is your password and email address used to sign up.
  2. You can now launch NYSC Biometrics Desktop Client for Windows on your computer.
  3. Next is to enter your email address and password where you are asked to enter it right on the software login area.
  4. Confirm that the name showing on the software portal corresponds with your name.
  5. Just as instructed by NYSC you should ensure that you successfully capture your fingerprint, this should be the two thumbs in the right format as instructed by NYSC team (Left Thumb or Right Thumb).
  6. It is necessary to capture your finger print again for confirmation after you have successfully captured the first time.
  7. Save your captured fingerprints.
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A successful congratulatory message should indicate that all is well and in order, that you have truly captured your fingerprint and its accepted by the server. Its now time to go over to the NYSC main registration page on their portal to continue with the registration.

Advantages of NYSC Biometrics Desktop client over the Web Client

Going through the rigorous stress just to download the NYSC Biometrics Desktop client worth it, especially when you are a business owner who engage in registering prospective corp members. We understand that Single user wont really appreciate the desktop client.

Carrying out multiple registration using the web browser will result to errors which will make the whole process tiresome.

All You need is just the UareU scanner driver, with this you will easily get it up and running. Take note; Java or other run time environment aren’t necessary for this set up.

Setting up the web client comes with numerous challenges, one of such challenge is that of security settings, but with the desktop client all is resolved.

When it come to capturing of fingerprint, its faster and quicker with an average of 2 minutes minimum you are done because you don’t need to answer unnecessary security questions.

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